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Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe

Sausage and bean casserole

Bernie Howden

For Dinner ( Casseroles )


Published on

15 minutes minutes to prepare and 35 minutes minutes to cook

Serves 4


A hearty meal for dinner.


8 Spicy italian sausages
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 large onion (chopped)
2 garlic cloves (chopped)
1 green pepper de-seeded and sliced
400grms chopped tinned tomatoes
2tbsp tomato puree
400 grms of tinned harricot or cannellini beans
Mashed potatoes or rice to serve..


1: Prick sausages with a fork, cook sausages under the grill until brown all over, put one side when done
2: Heat olive oil in frying pan, add onion,garlic and pepper, cooking for approx 5 minutes, stir until soft
3: Add the tinned tomatoes and leave to simmer for approx 5 minutes, stir until reduced or thickened
4: stir the tomato puree, beans and sausages into the frying pan, cook for approx 5 mins, add water
(small amounts) if the casserole becomes a bit dry during the cooking process.
5: Plate up the casserole onto plates and serve with mashed potato or rice.


add condiments to suit your individual taste...Chilli/currypowder?


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