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Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe

Michelle’s Scallop Potatoes

Michele Vella

For Dinner ( Potatoes )


Published on

15 minutes to prepare and 2hrs minutes to cook

Serves 6


4-6 medium size potatoes
500g – 1kg grated cheese
1-2 bottles of cream
1-2 jars white sauce
Garlic granules
Parmesan cheese


Slice the potatoes paper thin soak in water until you have the other ingredients ready to stop them from going brown.

In a baking dish lightly greased put a layer of sliced potatoes cover the bottom of the dish then put a couple of spoonful’s of cream over the layer of potatoes cover the cream with grated cheese parsley chives garlic granules parmesan cheese. Then put a good layer of potatoes and then put a couple of spoonfuls of white sauce grated cheese parsley chives garlic granules parmesan cheese. Another layer of potatoes with the remainder of the white sauce, cream parsley chives garlic cheese on top then put the parmesan cheese on top of the cheese to get a nice crunch.

Cover with alfoil for the top layer of cheese will not burn. Cook in oven for about 2hrs on 180-200 the last 30mins remove the alfoil for the remainder of cooking.


it is nice reheated : if you would like you can put a layer of carrots and mushrooms also and it is really nice also.


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