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Lunch Recipe Lunch Recipe Lunch Recipe Lunch Recipe Lunch Recipe

Butternut Squash and Spinach soup

Joanna Bender

For Lunch ( Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Soups, Easy, Chilli )


Published on

15 minutes to prepare and 30 minutes to cook

Serves 4


1 butternut squash - peeled and seeds removed. Cut into strips.
250 g baby spinach
1 carrot - peeled, cut into cubes.
1 onion - peeled and finely chopped
2-3 cloves garlic - finely chopped
1 chilli - finely chopped
salt and pepper
olive oil


1. In a pot, which we use for cooking soup, fry onion, garlic and chili peppers.
2. Remove from the gas to reduce the temperature (do not want to pour water on a frying oil) and add the remaining vegetables and water, about a liter - and then you can add more water if you do not want to have a very thick soup.
3. Cook until the vegetables are tender, then mix the whole with the blender to the consistency of cream.


I personally do not pour the soup through a colander. I allow myself to a rough texture - in the end I cook at home not in a restaurant and more than perfect appearance counts for me to preserve all the nutrients in food.


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