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Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe Dinner Recipe

Easy Pasta Dough

Kristine Czak Messig

For Dinner ( Pasta, Easy )


Published on

40 minutes to prepare and 4 minutes to cook

Serves 4


This pasta dough is actually really simple and easy to make. You can use it for ravioli, tortellini, fettuccine or any other type of pasta.


2 cups plain flour
3 free range eggs
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon water
1 pinch salt


1. Sift flour into a large bowl. Add the pinch of salt and make a well in the centre.
2. Mix the eggs, oil and water together and pour into the well in the flour. Mix gently until combined.
3. Flour a large chopping board and knead the dough on the board until combined. Continue kneading until dough is smooth.
4. Roll the dough into a ball and place in a floured bowl. Cover with cling wrap. Rest the dough for 30 minutes before use.


This pasta dough recipe goes really well with my basic pasta sauce recipe.

*To make fettuccine, roll out the dough to desired thickness and slice into thin ribbons. Cook in salted rapidly boiling water for 2-3 minutes until al dente. Serve with pasta sauce immediately. Enjoy!


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